Gaëlle Joubert
Around 2009, Gaëlle read an article about the Flying Frenchies walking “tightrope” in Verdon. She found it awesome and kept the article… “One day …” She was introduced to slacklining through rock-climbing, in 2011. In 2013 she went to Canada for an Internship., and that’s when she started longline « Seriously ». In 2015 the slackline communities evolved in the Facebook Age, online, she met awesome people that took her highline in Verdon. The circle was complete.
For two years she kept highlining, but didn’t improve much. She loved being out there, in the wild, but sadly once on the line, she couldn’t overcome her fear. At some point, she met the crazy Louise Lenoble and quited her job for a while, and realized her mindset has changed : she was not afraid anymore, having fun on longer lines and enjoying the challenges of rigging ! Now, what she enjoy the most is going exploring the mountains and establishing new lines with Friends. In 2016 she rigged and send the most northern line ever rigged, on a Greenland glacier.
She is also the painter behind the amazing and succesfull “Highline Comics” Facebook page that you can check by cliking on the link below.
SlackFaq's on Gaëlle's Slacklife
When did you start slacklining and how did you discover that sport?
I started slacklining in 2010. Some very good friends from climbing introduced me to the sport.
I was doing a bit of tight rope when I was a kid, and was quite an outdoorsy person, so I got hooked pretty fast.
In 2012, I went to Canada for an Internship, and slacklining was the only sport I could afford, so that’s when I really improved and discover the many faces of slacklining (rodeo, waterline, longline, …).
Thanks to a local association, I started Highlining in 2014, when the lines where still super tight and short.
What do you think is the biggest benefit of slacklining?
Slacklining has many benefits for me, hard to choose just one!
It definitely improved a lot my balance, my core strength and my ability to focus.
I have super strong ankles, and never twisted them since I started slacklining.
But I would say that for me, it has especially help me to focus, to calm down, and to face my fears.
Why do you love slacklining so much?
I really think slacklining is a “way of life”. What makes it so great is the combination of the sport in itself + the community + the locations.
I love “acrobatics” sport, where the goal is to control your body and achieve specific tricks and positions.
The slackline and highline community has brought me so much. It is kind, loving, challenging and diverse.
And finally, we are lucky enough to be playing in amazing landscapes, next to beautiful cliffs, with crazy views.
What are your favorite slackline disciplines?
I mostly do highline. I come from longlining, but I got injured, and now I’m quite scared of long “high” lines close to the ground.
I find highline safer, and I love the scenery.
I also do a bit of rodeo in the park for fun, and some waterline in the summer.
What is your favourite setup (webbing, line length, tension)?
I would say about 100m of quite loose RedTube.
I prefer heavy comfy webbing, quite stretchy, quite loose, and redTube is just that.
Do you have a permanent rig?
Yes. I’m lucky enough to have a 55m line, about 15min walk from my house.
And it even has an amazing view, and often some paragliders flying by.
How much do you train?
It really depends on the time of the year. I live in the French alps, so winter s definitively a rough time. Even if I do some Ski-Touring mission and train at the homeline, I really highline less in the winter.
In the summer, I give Highline classes, so I’m much more on the line.
On average I can go on a highline about 3 days a week in summer, and one day every two weeks in winter.
How do you buddy-check when you highline alone?
I rarely highline alone. But when that the case, I run a checklist through my head, as if I were buddy checking someone else.
And then check my knot at least 10 more times after that.
I usually tie in my leash before going on the line and then hang in the leash at the beginning of the session.
What is your favourite trick on the line?
On a rodeoline I love to practice shoulderstands, and the move shoulder to “expo shoulder” to shoulder from the other side.
On the highline, I just started to train on tricks, but I find grabs (touch your feet with opposite hand, and leg straight) really fun.
Do you have any advice to learn that one?
For the rodeoline one, I would advise to go slow and to concentrate on your weight and how to shift it slowly but smoothly from one shoulder to the other.
For the grab, do not lean forward with your chest, it’s really your leg that is going up in your hand, and not your hand that goes down to your foot.
What advice would you give to a slackline beginner?
Slacklining can be frustrating. Try to find ways to keep your motivation alive: funny games, slackline with other people, tricks, inspiring videos, …
Also remember that everyone has his own path. You may improve less quickly than someone else now, but you will eventually catch up.
I was a beginner for a long time before being more confident!
Are you scared of heights?
I’m not especially scared of heights when I’m tied in to something. But I’m quite scared of the void if I’m not safely attached.
For example narrow, steep paths where you are not allowed to fall are super scary for me.
Do you have any major goal that you want to achieve in slacklining?
I would love to really improve in tricklining, and rig some beautiful alpines lines, where you have to climb at least two days to reach the top.