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Richard aka Terashy88 is a Slackliner from Zürich, Switzerland. He was born in Jamaica and moved to Switserland as a kid. He has only been slacklining since 2016. Before that he has enjoyed a lot of other sports like ice hockey, surfing, downhill mountainbike and downhill longboard. He’s unstopable and rarely sits still, he keeps on going! Besides a lot of slacklining he’s an elevator technician and gives slackline lessons. He loves to visit different meetings when he has enough time besides his work.


Richard has been helping out Samuel Volery with some shows in Switserland.

Personal message

“Hope to slackline with you soon at a slackline meeting!”


You can easily recognize him by his aggressive, but controlled slackline style. You can regonize him by his quick twists, surfs (one leg) and bounces. All his tricks are always peformed with a huge smile on his face. Next to that he also loves to dance and feel the flow on the Slackline. He can be a real crowd entertainer! 

A few of Richard's freestyle moves and slackstyle

Waterlining in Zurich
Waterlining in Zurich
richard terashy slacklining
Epic Park session / Save. Picture by Tobias Rodenkirch..

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