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Karin Doblander

Karin Doblander has an incredible style when it comes to performing Yoga poses on the slackline, particularly impressive when highlining.

She has developed an extreme precision on mastering poses on the feet, like e.g. the warrior pose. She feels the inner alignment better than anyone else.

 Only by training on her short homeline, she trained the ability to put no shakes into the line. This ability allowed her to send long highlines almost on her very first day of highlining.

Check some of Karin Skills and some yoga highlining

SlackFaqs on Karin's Slacklife

When did you start slacklining and how did you discover it?

I started slacklining in 2008 as I saw people practising in the slackline parc in Innsbruck.

Why do you love slacklining so much?

Finding balance just fascinates me. The subtle play around the vertical. The ease and lighness, when getting close. The fundamental struggles asides. Always beeing on the edge in this very moment.

What are your favorite slackline disciplines?

On rather short loose lines (3-30m) in the parc I just so much love to get creative and really feel ‘at home’ so to speak, while stepping out on seemingly endless highlines is more of a special treat for me, that opens my mind to other spheres.
highlining static tricks
karin doblander highlining in the mountains
Photo Credits: Andi Jackson // insta: droidmedia

What is your favourite setup (webbing, line length, tension)?

30m light polyester about two meter sag.

Do you have a permanent rig?

I wish I had 😉

How much do you train?

It depends… Something between three times a week and once in three months.

How do you buddy-check when you highline alone?

Before I get to the anchor point I make sure my pockets are empty.
I check my knots and that my harness is closed ritually in each run at least three times for myself (when binding in, sliding out and before standing up) and generally ask a friend to buddy-check as I hardly ever highline alone. 

What is your favourite trick on the line?

It’s the variety that keeps me going. Regardless of a trick beeing static, dynamic, rhythmic, fast or slow I focus on the ease in my practise. So, I guess that’s what I would call my favorite.

Do you have any advice to learn that one?

Ease is something you may invite by solid alignement, core stability, a steady breath, awareness of gravity lines, focus and PATIENCE. It’s something you can work on and nothing you can force.

What advice would you give to a slackline beginner?

For bloody beginners:
Balancing is in our nature as human beeings. It’s all there.
It might feel shaky at first on line, as your body’s reflexes are used to perfectly work on solid ground. Take your time to tune in with the line and let your body do what it’s perfectly designed for. Enjoy the process.

For more experienced slackliners:
Use the mean of repetition with utmost care. You integrate what you repeat. Bring deep awareness to your practise. Feel and reflect, what is going on and constantly adjust your approach, rather that just do the same dull thing 100 times. Safes a lot of time and energy 😉

karin doblander highlining yoga

Are you scared of heights?

I do feel butterflys in my tummy when I look down a cliff. At the same time I experience a calming effect on my mind. I guess that’s fear.

Do you have any major goal that you want to achieve in slacklining?

After so many years, I still feel there is so much more to discover in our sport. People will perform things, we can’t even imagine today. I don’t see any clear goal for myself in this other than to keep evolving together with our wonderful community for the sake of it! Not really part of the questionnaire, but please send us the links to your social media if you want to be followed there. Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, Youtube, others?

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