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Highline Spots: Switzerland

highline spots map
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A Guidebook with the most beautiful Highline Spots

Switzerland offers some of the most beautiful highline spots in the World. Some of them are perfect to rig many lines in no time and others have a rather Alpine character and involve a long approach or even climbing. But where are those spots hidden? Samuel Volery and the Slacktivity Athlete Team have been hunting the best spots. In this guidebook you find the exact location, information to the spot, lengths of the line and even details to the anchor points. And you can download the topo for FREE!

If you visit Switzerland to go highlining – which we clearly recommend – we ask you to stick to the rules. Please read the description on the first pages carefully, they also contain e.g. information about air safety guidelines. On some spots we’ve added camping rules. Upon that we’ve added information about useful tools like map.geo.admin which is a powerful map with exact information about the topography of Switzerland. On that map you can measure your desired highline spot and find out the exact length and height of the line.

The highline spots in Switzerland make it a paradise

The topo is an interactive pdf file – you can click on the links and locations to open up the details in a browser. At the bottom of the pdf you can also find a waterline spot in Zurich. More waterline and highline places will follow in future. Obviously it’s always welcome to contact some local groups and session together – on some highline spots we’ve also added information about e.g. local Facebook groups.

The Highline Map

Highline Map
Download Guide or check it online and get to know all about the spots in the highline map


You highline at your own risk! Slacktivity cannot be made responsible for any of your actions. Spots and anchor points diplayed in this highline map might change over time and not be safe anymore. Please report to in**@sl*********.ch if there is any serious change or legal issue happening at one of the spots in the guide book.

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